Machine Translation

Next generation translation using AI


Machine Translation aims to produce high quality translations of content in a given language into a different language. Based on machine learning technology, modern machine translation learns to translate from data that expresses identical or similar content in different languages. Machine translation technology has become ubiquitous over the years, with millions of translation requests generated every day in a wide range of scenarios.

The technology can be adapted to specific domains and languages, after the appropriate selection and preparation of the necessary data. Optimal results are typically achieved with systems prepared to target specialised content, as they learn to produce accurate translations from domain-specific data. As a component, machine translation is an essential addition to create multilingual applications in a wide range of scenarios.

Try it


Machine Translation Core

Core technology to train data-driven machine translation systems and translate text

Data Selection

Data management and selection of optimal datasets to train machine translation systems

Corpus Creation

Automatic gathering of suitable corpora to train machine translation systems for specific domains

Document Translation

Document translation that preserves structure and formatting

Bitext Generation

Automatic document and sentence alignment from parallel and comparable data sources

Machine Translation Services

Web-based API offering access to machine translation functionality


Language Service Providers

Increasing productivity

With constantly growing volumes of content in need of translation, language service providers aim to integrate accurate machine translation technology into their processes, in order to deliver high-quality translation services on time. Our solution produces highly adapted translation technology for user-defined domains, thus providing optimal answers to real-life translation scenarios and needs


Providing multilingual information

Subtitles are critical to provide accessible audiovisual content to all citizens. In a globalised world where language barriers need to be overcome, multilingual subtitling is a crucial component for an unrestricted access to global content. Our solution enables the generation of mutlilingual subtitles from human transcripts or from content generated via speech recognition technology, in offline/live mode

Public Administration

Expanding public services

Public administrations need to make their content available in the official languages of the country, as well as the languages of foreign visitors. The demand for multilinguality is thus high for the variety of topics and domains covered by public administrations. Machine translation helps answer this need for accurate translations of public information and expand access to public services across languages

Sectorial Markets

Supporting market expansion

Every commercial sector is a world in itself, featuring characteristic vocabulary and expressions. Successful market expansion requires appropriate internationalisation processes that takes into account domain features and specificities. Our machine translation technology offers the means to support translation that is tailored to specific sectors. Specifically, it has been applied to the industrial sector where the effective management of multilingual information (technical operation manuals, maintenance procedures, etc.) is a requirement of the Industry 4.0 revolution in the globalized environment

Use Cases


Machine Translation solutions for the Basque Government

Oscar Guadilla, Head of Innovation and Consulting of the Basque Government Information Society (EJIE) and Thierry Etchegoyhen, Researcher at Vicomtech.

Use case of Itzuli Machine Translation, the neural translator based on Artificial Intelligence made available to citizens and conveyed the impact that the use of this service

Language Service Providers

We have developed and transferred machine translation solutions to MondragonLingua, one of the largest Linguistic Services Providers in Spain. These solutions enable the development and use of translation systems targeted to their clients’ needs and translation processes. Our technology also underlies the machine translation services.

Sectorial Markets

We have developed and transferred a large range of machine translation systems adapted to particular domains, and many different languages, from highly specific industrial sectors to the broader news and entertainment domains.